Electro Power Temporary Fencing Products

We supply quality fencing products to the Irish Farming Industry

Advantages of temporary Fencing

  • Temporary Fencing is ideal for livestock control where permanent fencing is not an option.
  • It is low cost, versatile and can be adapted to meet any situation.
  • It is ideal for out farms, rented land or anywhere, where short term livestock control is required.
  • Is ideal for controlling paddock size and optimising use of wet areas, electro power battery or solar powered fencers, temporary fence posts, tape or poly wire enables farmers to control livestock, reduce land damage and increase profits through better pasture management.
  • Electro power temporary fencing products are clearly labelled, well presented and full specification is printed on the label.


Useful Tips for Strip Grazing

  1. Correct Size Fencer to be used
  2. Good quality tape and polywire must be used.
  3. Ensure at least 3 strands of HDPE (plastic) strands per strand of stainless steel.
  4. It is difficult to drive power along wet or perished tape or polywire.
  5. Always erect a fencer in the centre of the area to to fenced as it is easier to drive power in both directions and prolongs battery life
  6. Erect fencer away from gateways and pathways to avoid theft.
  7. Erect fencer behind the fence wire tape to avoid animals chewing leads and knocking over fencer.
  8. By using Pel or Electro Power reels the life of the tape and/or polywire is prolonged.

N.B. Never use 2.5mm galv wire on 9v fencers as it is too severe on the fencer and reduces battery life.